The Futsal Foundation
The Futsal Shop Foundation will launch in 2020, with the aim to help the futsal community grow. We are futsal people, involved in the sport since 2003 and we know how difficult it is to find sponsorship, get funding and pay for the small things that will help the sport to grow.
Clubs and players are spending money on kit and trainers and we see very little sponsorship coming back into the game and we'd like to change that.
How it will work?
Buy futsal, grow futsal
As we grow we'll invest money into projects that we think can do with financial help and we'll run events and courses to develop futsal. In the meantime we'll be posting blogs and other resources to help clubs, coaches and players and we're always here if you need any advice! Buying from other companies will be sending money away from futsal, our aim is to bring it back in and help the community benefit from it!